One Day Only February 16, 2013 Sandra White will be presenting: "Simple Solutions for STAAR Preparation." "Is STAAR preparation leaving you STAARved, for time, STAARved for space and STAARved for simple solutions? "
Arlington Convention Center
1200 Ballpark Way, Arlington, TX, United States
Visit us at booth #305 Sandra White will present: "No Wasted Time, No Wasted Space." "Research has shown that 98% of what the brain takes in come in subconsciously and is not a result of direct instruction. What are your students looking at every day - cute decorations or eye catching, memorable visuals? Support your […]
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
200 E. Market Street, San Antonio, TX, United States
Visit us in Booth #1215 Theresa Tefertiller will be presenting: "Bridging the Gap - Lab to Test" "Your students understand concepts in the lab, but don't test well. Is vocabulary the problem? Learn easy strategies and games that make science vocabulary stick!" Saturday April 13, 2013 2:00-3:00 Room 216 B
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th St, Denver, CO, United States
Visit us in booth # 736 Theresa Tefertiller will be presenting: "Visual Vocabulary - Are They Getting the Picture" "Your students seem to understand math concepts during hands-on activities, but don't test well. Is vocabulary the problem? Math terms with multiple meanings could be muddying the waters. Learn how using powerful visuals, mnemonics and easy […]
Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center
6000 West Osceola Parkway, Kissimmee, FL, United States
We are so excited to attend our first ever homeschool convention and hope to meet some of our new friends from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew!
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
200 E. Market Street, San Antonio, TX, United States
The LSL team will be presenting in several sessions. Here are the details: Toni will present: "Oh, Now I Get It!" "You'll be amazed at what your students can remember! […]
Handouts for TMSA Thank you to those that were able to sit in on Sandra's workshop! Join us at the TMSA conference for Adolescent Success in Austin this January […]
Lone Star Learning will be all smiles at the upcoming Region 17 Science Vendor Fair. We love to meet and greet our local teachers! Sandra will be on hand to […]
The Texas Association of School Administrators conference this January is sure to be an educational event! This year, the event will be held at the Austin Convention Center and will […]
We will be exhibiting at the local ESC 17 Math Vendor Fair on 2/4/13. Sandra will be presenting her "STAARving for Simple Solutions?" workshop. Visit our booth for a prize […]
Lone Star Learning will be in attendance at the Annual Illinois Reading Conference this March in Springfield, IL. This conference will focus on "Building Bridges to Literacy" and will be […]
NSTA's 62nd National conference on Science Education is the perfect place to be! Lone Star Learning consultants will be on hand at the Boston Convention Center to show all things […]
Big things are happening the the Big Easy this April! Touted as the Nation's premier math education event, the National Council of Teachers of Math conference is chock full of […]
The 59th Annual International Reading Association conference is planned for May 10-12 in New Orleans. The theme, "Reading...The Teachable Moment" will serve as the jumping board for this energizing, motivating […]
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math! Join Lone Star Learning at the 2014 STEM Forum and Expo at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in lush New orleans, LA!! Explore this emerging […]
Lone Star Learning will be attending the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association conference this June 11 & 12 in Austin, TX!! This year's theme is the "FUNdamentals of Leadership. […]
Howdy Ya'll! We are so excited to attend the CAMT 2014 Annual Conference in Ft. Worth! In true Texas style, going with the theme of "Rebranding Math", we will […]
Join us at the Amarillo Civic Center on August 20, 2014 for the annual Region 16 i3 Conference and Expo! There will be over 80 break-out sessions, Teacher of the […]
Harvesting the Fruits of Literacy October 2-4, 2014 Springfield, Illinois Thousands of literacy advocates, educators, and researchers will gather from October 2-4, 2014 for the 47th Annual IRC Conference, Harvesting […]
4th Annual MEGA Curriculum Conference October 23-24, 2014 “4th Annual MEGA Curriculum Conference: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity ” October 23-24, 2014; 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Sandra and Joni will […]
Join Us in Indianapolis! The NCTM 2014 Regional Conference & Exposition, is a signature fall math education event. Join us to connect face-to-face with your peers in education and to […]
Join Us in Richmond! The NCTM 2014 Regional Conference & Exposition, is a signature fall math education event. Join us to connect face-to-face with your peers in education and to […]
Join Us in Houston! The NCTM 2014 Regional Conference & Exposition is a signature fall math education event. Join us to connect face-to-face with your peers in education and […]
CAST 2014 in Dallas will be ALL under one roof at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, November 20-22nd Woo hoo!! CAST is here and we are ready to jump into […]
McCormick Place West
2301 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL, United States
The NSTA National Conference will be held in the "Windy City" and this grand event is something you MUST consider for the highlight of your professional development in 2015. Come see Theresa and Tonya in booth #771!
George R. Brown Convention Center
1001 Avenida de Las Americas, Houston, TX, United States
Join educators from all over the globe and of all levels to learn, share, and grow in your practice. With over 300 companies filling the ASCD Exhibit Show with displays […]
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
415 Summer St, Boston, MA, United States
Stop! Help! I Thought You Knew How to Make Shapes is a gallery session held Thursday, April 16 from 8:00AM to 9:15AM in room 205C of the Convention Center.
We are so excited to attend the Region One ESC Technology Conference this May! This will be our first time attending. We'd love to know if you plan to go:) Send us a shout out @lsltweets or post to our Facebook page if you plan to attend:) The Region One ESC Technology Conference is one […]
Austin Renaissance Hotel
9721 Arboretum Blvd, Austin, TX, United States
One of our favorite Texas conferences! We can't wait to meet you and talk all things TX - especially TEKS! Our newly updated TEKSas Target Practice and Target the Question math programs, along with our Target Reading product will be showcased at our booth. Be sure to ask us about Spanish versions. Drop by […]
Get Ready! Get Set! Go!!! -- We are!! :) Lone Star Learning will be attending this year's Texas ASCD Ingnite 2015 conference. This is another new conference for us and we really look forward to sharing our curriculum! Drop by our booth to view or Texas specific products for TEKS review and STAAR prep. […]
CAMT is back and we're ready to see you in Houston! The theme "Gearing Up For Change" certainly personifies the state of math studies in Texas. Do you need help implementing the new math TEKS successfully in your classroom, campus or district? We've got updated resources that will support your needs. Drop by our booth […]
Reg 16 ESC
4th and Buchanan, Amarillo, TX, United States
Join Lone Star Learning at the Region 16 20th Annual Elementary Literacy Institute Grades K-5 As a teacher, you already qualify for superhero status, so why not enhance your ELAR classroom by attending the 20th Annual Elementary Literacy Institute? Join Region 16 as we welcome author and literacy superhero, Ralph Fletcher. Literacy saves the day! […]
Austin Renaissance Hotel
9721 Arboretum Blvd, Austin, TX, United States
The Lone Star Learning crew will be on hand at the TXASCD conference this year! Be sure to visit our booth to sign up to win! While you're there, check out our newest products and updates. We can't wait to see you in Austin!
For the first time, Lone Star Learning will be exhibiting at the California Math Conference this November! Be sure to visit our booth to learn how our math programs can ensure your success! CMC-South Annual Mathematics Conference California Mathematics Council - South 56th Annual Mathematics Conference ORCHESTRATING THE COMMON CORE CLASSROOM Palm Springs Convention Center […]
Fort Worth Convention Center
1201 Houston St, Fort Worth, TX, United States
Once again, we will zoom to CAST for 2015! This is one of our favorite conferences to attend. The exhibit hall is always filled with amazing resources, hands-on exhibits and excited teachers! We'd love to visit with you at our booth to demonstrate how our Seeing Science Structures product can help bridge the gap between […]
Music City Center
601 Commerce St, Nashville, TN, United States
Lone Star Learning will be bringing a little Texas to Nashville this November at the Regional Math conference. Visit our booth to see our new line of Get the Picture! Math Vocabulary Cards. Mathematics Education Meets Excellence Nashville, Tennessee | November 18-20 The NCTM 2015 Regional Conferences & Expositions will take place at the Music […]
Austin Convention Center
500 Cesar CHavez St, Austin, TX, United States
Join Joni and Carole at the TASA Midwinter conference this January at the Austin Convention Center in Austin, TX! They will be showcasing our new grade-specific vocabulary cards and giving away daily prizes at booth 1534!
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
200 E. Market Street, San Antonio, TX, United States
Join us at the National Title 1 Conference in Houston, TX! ~Frontiers of Opportunity~ Over 1oo sessions will be presented by top education leaders covering the themes of instruction, leadership and policy. The exhibit hall will be full of exciting new tools you can use to engage your students! Included will be our new grade-specific […]
Here we come Atlanta, GA! The ASCD Annual Conference is going to be a wonderful opportunity this spring! We look forward to meeting you! Drop by booth 1244 and chat with Sandra and Joni about our visual vocabulary cards or our science, math and reading resources! We can add meat to your curriculum with our supplementary […]
Once again we will be heading to NCTM's National Conference in 2016! This is one of our favorite national events each year! Sunny San Francisco will be the place to be for math educators from all around the USA! Visit us at booth 514 in the exhibit hall to become newly or re-acquainted with our […]
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
200 E. Market Street, San Antonio, TX, United States
Join the Lone Star Learning team at the TCMPC TEKS Resource System conference this June 14-16 in San Antonio, TX! Carole will be presenting her dynamic class entitled "Putting POW(er) in Stations using Performance Assessment." We will also be set up in the exhibit hall at booth#12. Please stop by and see all of […]
Austin Renaissance Hotel
9721 Arboretum Blvd, Austin, TX, United States
The Austin Renaissance Hotel will be a hub of activity this June as Texas educational leaders join forces en masse to discuss new and innovative ideas! Keynote speakers include Scott Burrows, Manny Scott and George Couros. Check out our award-winning products in the exhibit hall! Join in the winners circle by participating in our daily […]
Lone Star Learning's very own Sandra White will be attending the Region 11 Elementary conference and presenting several of her most engaging, hands-on sessions. "STAARving for Simple Solutions" "Multiplying Masters" "Oh, Now I Get it!" Region 11's Elementary Conference will be happening at the Region 11 ESC in White Settlement, TX. We are really […]
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
200 E. Market Street, San Antonio, TX, United States
Come visit us in Booth 500! Sessions STAARving for Simple Solutions? Sandra White Wednesday, June 29 2:30-3:30pm Room 007C Visual Vocabulary—Are they Getting the Picture? Theresa Tefertiller Thursday, June 30 10:00-11:00am Room 221D Math on a Budget Carole Harbison Thursday, June 30 11:30-12:30pm Room 302B Qualitative, Quantitative, Shape, Spread…help! Kris Tullos Thursday, […]
The Venetian/The Pallazzo
Las Vegas, NV, United States
We are thrilled to attend the 2016 SDE conference in Las Vegas, NV this year! Follow along with our Vegas adventure on twitter, Instagram, facebook and Pinterest!
The Panhandle Math and Science Conference will be held on Tuesday, July 26th and Wednesday, July 27th at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas. This two-day conference will bring together K-12 mathematics and science educators from across the Panhandle, South Plains, and surrounding areas. It is the second year of the WTAMU Panhandle Area Mathematics […]
Austin Convention Center
500 Cesar CHavez St, Austin, TX, United States
Middle Level Educators will converge in Austin this October at the Annual AMLE conference. Lone Star Learning will be set up in the exhibit hall ready to share all of our newest resources for your Middle School classrooms including our Target Math vocabulary cards, our award-winning Target the Question program and our Quick Click […]
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
200 E. Market Street, San Antonio, TX, United States
CAST 2016 is scheduled for November 10-12, 2016 and Lone Star Learning will be joining a myriad of exciting and innovative exhibitors at the Henry B Gonzalez convention Center in San Antonio, TX. Watch our site for updates as details about this conference become more available.
Excitement is building for the new NCTM Innov8 conference! This conference's main focus is "Engaging the Struggling Learner." Conference topics will include: Response to Intervention (RtI) Supporting productive struggle Motivating the struggling learner Check back for additional information about this brand new Math conference.
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
200 E. Market Street, San Antonio, TX, United States
April 5–8, 2017 • San Antonio Join more than 9,000 of your mathematics education peers at the premier math education event of the year! Learn how to actively engage your students in team learning through games and other fun vocabulary activities by visiting the Lone Star Learning booth #333! Check out our new vocabulary cards […]
Austin Renaissance Hotel
9721 Arboretum Blvd, Austin, TX, United States
June 14-16, 2017: Austin Renaissance Hotel Plan Now for a Very Special Summer Conference Celebrate TEPSA’s centennial with innovative learning and tons of opportunities for making connections! Keynote speakers include Michele Borba, Kwame Alexander and Adolph “Doc” Brown. Featured speakers include Ruby Payne, George Couros, Ervin Knezek, Darwin Spiller, Frank Buck, Todd Nesloney, John Wink and […]
Follow the conference on Twitter at #CAMT17 or @camttweets. Be sure to stop by booth #410 to see what's new! Preview our new Plus+ service for digital programs, enter to win a free TarGET IT! game or Kindle Fire each day, or play with our interactive vocabulary cards! STAAR prep is one conversation away! We […]
University of Texas, Edinburg
Edinburg, TX, United States
Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2017 RGVCTM's 52nd annual conference is almost here! Join us on November 4th, from 8:00-4:00 at UT Rio Grande Valley in Edinburg, TX! Sandra will be presenting her "Simple Solutions" session that is sure to give you a plethora of new ideas to use right away […]
George R. Brown Convention Center
1001 Avenida de Las Americas, Houston, TX, United States
" Just as the sun's gravity keeps the Earth in perfect orbit, our conference keeps the future of science teaching revolving around the success of our students. Ready to blast off on a mission to explore science teaching in a whole new way? Well then, Houston, We Have a Solution! STAT's 60th Anniversary will take […]
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
801 Mt. Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC, United States
Join thousands of your mathematics education peers at the premier math education event of the year! Network and exchange ideas, engage with innovation in the field, and discover new learning practices that will drive student success.
The latest teaching trends and topics will include:
Tools and Technology: Using Technology to Effectively Teach and Learn Mathematics
Access, Equity, and Empowerment: Teaching Mathematics with an Equity Stance
Purposeful Curriculum: Cultivating Coherence and Connections
Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum: Best Practices for Engaging Students
Assessment: A Tool for Purposeful Planning and Instruction
Professionalism: Learning Together as Teachers
Mathematical Modeling: Interpreting the World through Mathematics
Emerging Issues and Hot Topics
Austin Renaissance Hotel
9721 Arboretum Blvd, Austin, TX, United States
Join us in June for the TEPSA Summer Conference. TEPSA conferences are always a delight and feature new and innovative ideas for all levels of educators and administrators. This year, TEPSA will hold the conference on June 13-15 at the Austin Renaissance Hotel.
Austin Convention Center
500 Cesar CHavez St, Austin, TX, United States
he National Charter Schools Conference is the best learning and networking event for charter school educators, leaders, and advocates. This conference is about being part of a movement, learning from the best in the field, and learning from each other. Meeting peers that struggle with the same issues you do – or have solutions to offer you – is an incredible learning experience.
By the numbers: At the 2017 conference, we had more than 4,700 attendees. We hosted 100 breakout sessions, 17 meet-ups, eight charter talks, five networking lounges, three general sessions, two unconference sessions, and one awesome Netflix-themed welcome party!
We seek to make NCSC an incredible learning experience, but also a heck of a lot of fun. We balance intense learning opportunities with networking, and we work to bring the best of our location to you.
George R. Brown Convention Center
1001 Avenida de Las Americas, Houston, TX, United States
CAMT 2018: Got Math! will be held at the George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX, July 16-18, 2018. Lone Star Learning can be found in the exhibit hall at booth #111 this year and we can't wait to show you how we've #GotMath covered! Stop by for daily giveaways, to renew your digital licenses […]
Austin Convention Center
500 Cesar CHavez St, Austin, TX, United States
Lone Star Learning will be exhibiting at the International Literacy Association Conference July 20-23 in Austin, TX. Follow along with the fun at #ILA18 on Twitter.
Join the Lone Star Learning team at West Texas A&M's annual Panhandle Math and Science Conference on July 24th and 25th. Stop by the booth to sign up for daily prize drawings! Carole will be presenting a session entitled "Math on a Budget!" 7/24/18 at 11:30 in the Main Hall. Sandra will be presenting "Making […]
Join Lone Star Learning at the Region 17 Back to School conference to check out our new products! We will be exhibiting on August 14th and 15th and can't wait to meet you!
Fort Worth Convention Center
1201 Houston St, Fort Worth, TX, United States
The 2018 CAST conference has been scheduled for Nov 1-3, 2018 and is sure to bring a crazy fun crowd of science lovers and learners. We will be giving a sneak peek at our newest product, digital Seeing Science Structures! Visit with us to see how easily this intensive vocabulary directed supplement can work with […]
Region 9 ESC
301 Loop 11, Wichita Falls, TX, United States
Texoma Regional Math and Science Conference June 6, 2019 Wichita Falls, TX Region 9 Education Service Center Region 9 Education Service Center in Wichita Falls, TX, is pleased to host the Texoma Regional Math and Science Conference on Thursday, June 6, 2019.
Austin Renaissance Hotel
9721 Arboretum Blvd, Austin, TX, United States
Connect, Celebrate and Elevate Your Leadership
More than 100 sessions, the Scholastic Book Store, author signings, updates from TEA and the Legislative Session, Exhibit Hall, Awards Reception, Annual Golf Tournament, and much more!
Klein ISD Multipurpose Center
Klein Multipurpose Center 7500 Farm to Market 2920, Klein, TX, United States
The Department of Multilingual Services is excited to announce our summer 2019 conference, Elevate: Bridging Instruction through Language & Culture. The mini-conference will take place on Thursday, June 13th from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
200 E. Market Street, San Antonio, TX, United States
CAMT’s mission is to assist in upgrading the quality of mathematics education in the state of Texas by presenting an annual conference for teachers and supervisors of mathematics designed to improve the knowledge and skills of mathematics teachers and supervisors. The three-day conference is conducted each summer, on a rotating basis, in Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio.
For other Texas students who need not only to design mathematics courseworks but to write my essay work, always can contact our staff for a good and proper writings
Follow the conference on Twitter at #CAMT19 or @camttweets.
Sessions devoted to Bilingual/ESL Education? YES! We can't wait to participate in the 1st ever Region 17 Bilingual/ESL Conference on July 10! Come visit with us to see products such as our Word of the Day vocabulary cards. A recent comment from one ESL teacher said: "These products are exactly what I’ve been looking for […]
JW Marriott Austin
110 E 2nd St, Austin, TX, United States
It's an event you can't afford to miss. Join the field's leading product and service providers and register to exhibit at Interactive 2019. -- Why, yes! I think we will! Looking forward to listening and learning with amazing Texas Educators at this summer conference in Austin! Stop by the booth to see what is new […]