Our offices will be closed Friday, March 18. For help with POs, email sales @ lonestarlearning.com. Regular hours resume Monday.
Join us for an inspiring workshop featuring Pooja K. Agarwal, Ph.D, cognitive scientist and author of the book Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning.
This interactive workshop will be filled with practical teaching strategies that can be implemented in minutes without additional preparation or exhausting grading!
Register by April 13 for only $99*!
*regular rate of $129 applies after April 13, 2020
PK-12 teachers of all subjects, administrators, higher ed instructors, parents, and coaches!
All attendees receive the book Powerful Teaching: Unleash the Science of Learning with paid registration. Lunch is also provided!
Contact us at 800-575-1424
Groups of 10 or more qualify for special pricing!