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Commonly Confused Words

Clear up confusion for word pairs and triplets with these illustrated vocabulary cards! Including common errors like their/there/they’re, too/to/two, and loose/lose, Commonly Confused Words™ will help students learn these words and appropriate usage quickly and easily.

QR codes give students access to quick animations reinforcing the distinction.



Words that sound alike or nearly alike but have different meanings often cause writers trouble. We have taken some of the most commonly confused word pairs or triplets and presented them in a visual way to help students differentiate and remember which one to use when. These beautiful, full-color cards ship ready to display on your word wall. Students can access them all day, passively absorbing meanings through the words and illustrations, or actively engaging during vocabulary review.

Commonly Confused Words™ includes 30, 8.5″ x 11″ cards, with either 2 or 3 words per card. They are printed on cardstock, perfect for laminating, inserting in vinyl pockets, or displaying as-is!


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